Dopamine Detox
If you’ve felt like too much is going on and you’re feeling more overwhelmed lately, dopamine detox might be a solution for you.
When some people hear about dopamine, they think it is an illicit drug. But dopamine is more than just what you get when you drink coffee or eat chocolate. It is an inner chemical that triggers thoughts and feelings of enjoyment, desire, and pleasure. It is the main reason for people getting addicted to something.
The sad reality is that every company exploits this reward scheme to benefit itself. For example, anytime you open your social media, you constantly receive something new; it might be a new post, someone liking your photo, or something else. All of this releases a little bit of dopamine in your brain, which makes you feel good and triggers your brain to use it again and again.Once it develops tolerance, it requires more and more dopamine, and normal tasks become difficult to complete. This is called addiction. That’s why video games have a level system and to make you engaged with their product. It is not limited to social media or video games, but it’s everywhere, from chocolate to alcohol.
Your brain’s pleasure centers are too quiet. What you need is a dopamine detox. Like your body cleans out impurities from your bloodstream, your mind needs to experience dopamine purification.
Start with dopamine detox
The rule is simple: you have to avoid all those activities you are addicted to or stimulate the brain, such as browsing your phone, avoiding screen time, listening to music, or engaging in any hobby. The goal is to deprive the brain of any enjoyable activity. Even a dull task becomes lovely in the end. The brain begins to like it in this manner.
A person should feel more focused, balanced, and less impacted by dopamine stimuli towards the conclusion of the detox. However, a complete dopamine detox, in which a person successfully stops all dopamine action in the brain, is not possible.
You can Follow a simple resting regimen, practise mindfulness, and focus on more happy and meaningful activities to naturally enhance dopamine levels.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you have any experience with dopamine detox?
until next time